Class OutputModeOptions

Direct Known Subclasses:
ContentOptions, FormViewerOptions

public abstract class OutputModeOptions extends Object
The parent abstract class for IDRViewerOptions and ContentOptions.
  • Constructor Details

    • OutputModeOptions

      public OutputModeOptions()
  • Method Details

    • getErrors

      public String getErrors()
    • setOutputThumbnails

      public OutputModeOptions setOutputThumbnails(boolean value)
      Output thumbnails of pages in /thumbnails/.

      Possible value:

      • true/false

      Default: false

      Thumbnails are always generated if using the IDRViewer with ViewerUI Complete.

      Also set with -Dorg.jpedal.pdf2html.outputThumbnails=

      value - is of type boolean.
      the OutputModeOptions Object.
    • setThumbnailMaxWidth

      public OutputModeOptions setThumbnailMaxWidth(int thumbnailMaxWidth)
      Sets the maximum width of the thumbnails. Can be used in conjunction with setThumbnailMaxHeight.

      If both a width and height are given then the generated thumbnails will fit within the bounds given, maintaining the aspect ratio of the original page.

      If only a width or height is given then the size of the generated thumbnails will match the bound given, again maintaining the aspect ratio of the original page.

      Possible values:

      • Any positive integer
      Also set with -Dorg.jpedal.pdf2html.thumbnailMaxWidth=
      thumbnailMaxWidth - the maximum thumbnail width
      the OutputModeOptions object.
    • setThumbnailMaxHeight

      public OutputModeOptions setThumbnailMaxHeight(int thumbnailMaxHeight)
      Sets the maximum height of the thumbnails. Can be used in conjunction with setThumbnailMaxWidth.

      If both a width and height are given then the generated thumbnails will fit within the bounds given, maintaining the aspect ratio of the original page.

      If only a width or height is given then the size of the generated thumbnails will match the bound given, again maintaining the aspect ratio of the original page.

      Possible values:

      • Any positive integer
      Also set with -Dorg.jpedal.pdf2html.thumbnailMaxHeight=
      thumbnailMaxHeight - the maximum thumbnail height
      the OutputModeOptions object.
    • setGenerateSearchFile

      public OutputModeOptions setGenerateSearchFile(boolean value)
      Generates search.json. This file contains an array (one element per page) containing the textual content from each page. It is used by for page search.

      search.json is always generated in the IDRViewer Complete UI. Search is not supported as standard in other IDRViewer UI modes.

      Possible value:

      • true/false

      Also set with -Dorg.jpedal.pdf2html.generateSearchFile=

      value - is of type boolean.
      the OutputModeOptions object.
    • getStringValue

      public String getStringValue(String key)
    • getBooleanValue

      public boolean getBooleanValue(String key, boolean defaultValue)